R$ 2.700,00

12x de R$ 265,79

Em estoque



    Estado de conservação: 9/10

    Tamanho: 1.5 m

    Materials and Construction ! Limited Edition Interconnects All XLO Limited Edition interconnecting and digital cables are made from custom-drawn and specially treated “Laboratory Grade Plus” copper, which is so pure that it actually exceeds the test capabilities of any U.S. commercial laboratory. Conductors of this rare and expensive material are individually insulated with thin films of a special DuPont™ Teflon™-related fluoropolymer material and then arrayed in XLO’s own proprietary “Field-Balanced” geometry between an air- and nitrogen-bearing concentric two element fluoropolymer central core and a single element air-bearing fluoropolymer outer core analogue. The insulation and core structure thus formed has a lower effective dielectric constant than any other kind or combination of commercially available materials and has a mean audio frequencies dielectric absorption factor significantly lower than even DuPont’s own Teflon AFTM — an ultra-premium licensed

    product for special military and aerospace applications that sells for more than US$ 7.00 per gram! Where necessary for balanced or AES/EBU operation, a special grounding network is incorporated within the central core. The outer “skin” on all Limited Edition Interconnects and digital cables is woven from multiple custom-extruded air-bearing tubes of Teflon-related material in a special “cross-one” pattern, which can only be done on specially adapted machinery. The result is outstanding electrical, dielectric, and field characteristics, with a degree of flexibility never before achieved in any large diameter high performance cable. All connectors used on Limited Edition interconnects and digital cables are of XLO’s own design and built to XLO’s own high standards. Every connector is non-magnetic, to avoid hysteresis effects, and each is designed for minimum self-inductance. Every part in the signal path of every Limited Edition connector is precision manufactured from either Laboratory Grade ultra-pure copper or from an ASTM-designated copper alloy selected to be best for its particular application. RCA connector contact pins, for example, and those of XLO’s proprietary male XLR connectors are machined from solid billets of Tellurium copper, while the pin receptacles of female XLR connectors are formed from special Brush-Wellman Alloy 174 Beryllium copper. Where gold plating is used, it is applied directly, with NO nickel substrate, just thickly enough to prevent connector tarnishing, WITHOUT affecting sound quality10. To ensure minimum self-inductance, steps are taken on every Limited Edition connector to remove all conductive materials not absolutely necessary to signal transmission from the signal path. The dielectrics of all XLO Limited Edition XLR connectors are made of a special General Electric engineering grade thermoplastic polyester resin. All other Limited Edition connectors which employ dielectric materials use DuPont Teflon. All interconnects are unshielded, and do not require shielding in most applications. Special external shielding may, if necessary because of unusually high-noise environments, be ordered at additional cost. Where shielding is specified, it is of XLO’s own free-floating “Faraday Cage” design, with gold-plated grounding clips at both ends.

    Informação adicional

    Peso2 kg

    Escala de classificação

    Novo – Item lacrado na caixa.

    Demo – Item tirado da caixa apenas para demonstração aos clientes pela equipe da HIFICLUB. Não foi utilizado ou manuseado por clientes. O item está em perfeito estado estético e de funcionamento. Não sofreu qualquer reparo ou modificação. Usado como demo pelo tempo máximo de 3 meses.

    9/10 – Item praticamente novo e com pouco uso. Estado geral excelente. Item em perfeito funcionamento. Não sofreu qualquer reparo ou modificação.

    8/10 – Item em muito bom estado. Numa vistoria minuciosa, é possível encontrar alguns detalhes estéticos, como sutis marcas de uso. Pode apresentar um pequeno risco, mas, nunca em áreas mais visíveis do item, como a parte da frente de um aparelho ou caixa de som.

    7/10 – Item em bom estado. É, visivelmente, um item usado, porém, bem cuidado. Pode ter marcas ou riscos, no entanto, nunca em áreas mais visíveis.